
Ofsted Report

Ofsted 2024

We were inspected in July 2024 and are delighted to be able to share our Ofsted Report with you! The report is a very positive one and reflects the hard work and commitment of all the staff and the enthusiasm and dedication of our wonderful pupils.

We are extremely proud to inform you that their judgement is that we are a Good school with two areas graded Outstanding:


     Overall effectiveness


     The quality of education


     Behaviour and attitudes


     Personal development


     Leadership and management     


     Early years provision


     Previous inspection grade



We were previously inspected in 2019 and since then we have remained focused and determined to do the very best for our children.  We have worked incredibly hard to develop all aspects of our curriculum and to support our pupils to reach their full potential in all areas of school life.  The inspectors recognised the wonderful relationships that we build with our pupils and the commitment of Team Thackley.


Pupils benefit from positive relationships with the adults in the school.”

“…pupils know they can go to an adult and know any worries or concerns will be resolved.”

“…the school brings the curriculum to life for the pupils.”

“Pupils behave very well in lessons…they are considerate and caring towards each other.”


We are exceptionally pleased that the report acknowledges our strength in Personal Development and awarded a grading of Outstanding.  We are proud of the work we do to support our children and of how happy our school is.  We know that school is more than just learning about the academic subjects. 


“Personal development in the school is exceptional.”

“Leaders have extremely high ambitions for what pupils experience.”

“…a vast range of experiences that prepares pupils for the world.”

“Pupils…speak with conviction when talking about themes such as tolerance and equality.”


We are very pleased that the report acknowledges how well we meet the needs of pupils with SEND.


“Pupils with SEND are identified quickly. The school ensures that pupils get the support that they need”

“The school makes well-considered adjustments to lessons.”


We are also delighted that our Ealy Years provision was recognised as Outstanding.  We know how important those first years of school life are for our children and how important it is to lay the foundations for the rest of their school journey.


“Early years is exceptional.”

“The provision is designed with purpose.  It is highly successful and engaging.

“As a result, children flourish and are ready to access the curriculum in Year 1.”


We are extremely happy that the hard work and dedication of our staff has been recognised, and I’m sure you’ll join me in congratulating everyone who works, supports and volunteers at our school. We are also grateful to our dedicated Governors who impressed the Ofsted Inspectors with their knowledge of the school and their support and determination for the school’s success.

We would also like to thank all our parents and carers who have supported school in all we have been aiming to achieve. Thank you as well to those parents and carers who spoke to the inspectors, or who completed Ofsted’s online survey.  The results were incredibly positive and your support is hugely appreciated.

It is important for us all to remember that Ofsted is only one aspect of how a school’s success is measured.  The children remain at the heart of all we do, and the report recognises how important they are to us. We strive to create kind, caring, independent, resilient children who are proud of themselves, their school and the community they live in.

We have never, as a team, chased an Ofsted grade, we have just wanted to be a brilliant school and provide the best opportunities for our children. We know that Ofsted inspections will come and go but what never changes at Thackley is our dedication to having High Standards in Everything We Do, our passion for learning and for teaching Skills for Life, and our commitment to giving the children in our school an abundance of Happy Memories.


To view our latest report on the Ofsted Website please click here