
Our School Day

Start of school

The school day begins at 8:45am. We will open the school gates at 8.30am.

You and your child may enter the school grounds through any of the gates between 8.30am and 8.45am. A member of staff from each year group will be available near the entrance to their classroom if you need to ask any questions or share any information. 

We ask that you then leave the playground no later than 8.45am as staff must lock the gates at this time. 

Your child can enter school anytime from 8.30am-8.45am and should go straight to their classroom where a morning task will be available. 

If your child arrives after 8.45am they will need to enter via the main entrance to sign in at the office and will receive a late mark.


Home time

At the end of the school day we will open the gates at approximately 2.55pm so you can enter the school grounds to collect your child from their door.   Children finish their lessons at 3pm.


Consultation regarding changes to the start and finish times

I would like to inform you of a national proposal announced by the government to increase the amount of time primary school children spend in school each week to 32.5 hours. Our children are currently in school for 31.25 hours. In order to meet this new requirement, we are proposing a change to the start and end of the school day timings for Reception to Year 6 children from September 2024.

To comply with this new requirement, we need to extend our school day by 15 minutes. Therefore, we are planning on opening the school gates at 8.30am to 8.40am, with registration starting at 8.40am. The school day will then end at 3.10pm. I would like to clarify that these changes will not affect the timings for the Nursery.

Before we implement these proposed timings, we value your input and would like to consult with parents to hear your thoughts on the changes we are proposing. Should you have any comments, feedback, or concerns regarding the adjustment to the school day timings, you are welcome to share them by sending an email to admin@thackleyschool.com.

The closing date for submitting your comments will be Friday, 24th May 2024. Any comments received will be given due consideration and we may contact you for further discussions.

Following the consultation period and once the school has made a final decision on the new timings of the school day, we will contact parents again to confirm the details.

Should you have any queries or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.