

The Governing Body of Thackley Primary School is made up of elected Parent Governors, Local Authority Governors and Staff Governors, including the Headteacher. Governors are appointed on a four year basis.
The role of the Governing Body is to provide support and expertise to the school in helping it to develop and to meet its targets. The Governing Body helps to monitor the standards in school by acting as a critical friend and ensuring the statutory duties of a school are undertaken.

We are very fortunate at Thackley to have an active and committed Governing Body, which brings additional skills and expertise, continually provides support and contributes to the fantastic progress in school.

The three core strategic functions of Thackley Primary School Governing Body are:
1. Ensuring the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school.
2. Supportively holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and it’s pupils.
3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that it’s money is well spent.


The school’s Governors are all volunteers with a varied scholastic and work background whose common interest is in ensuring Thackley Primary School  remains the excellent learning environment that it is, and that it continues to improve.

Vacancies arise for new Governors from time to time. If you are interested in becoming a governor please speak to the head teacher or the Chair of Governors.

This is a reference document for those involved in local-authority-maintained school governance. It brings together essential information from a range of sources on the governing body’s roles and legal responsibilities.
Governing Board Diversity

The Department for Education (DfE) recognises that diversity is important and wants governing boards to be increasingly reflective of the communities they serve. The DfE encourages schools and trusts to collect and publish diversity data about the board.

The school uses Governing board diversity indicators form by the National Governance Association to collect data. Completion of this form is on a voluntary basis is submitted in confidence to the Head Teacher.

Mrs Annmarie Malcolm

Chair of Governors

Start Date 09.05.19 – End Date 10.05.27

Mrs Kendra Hannay

Vice Chair of Governors

Start Date 9.5.19 – End Date 10.5.27

Mrs Kate Bainbridge

Co-opted Governor

Start Date 9.5.19 – End Date 10.5.27
Kate is a Teacher at Thackley Primary School
Partner to the Director of Fisical Sports Ltd – A sports company used by the school

Mr Sean Lyman

LA Governor

LA Representative Governor, appointed by the Governing Body/Local Authority
Start Date 10.02.14 – 9.2.26
I am an LA appointed governor who has been a member of the governing body at Thackley for several years. I previously worked in finance and now work in teaching. I live locally and am active in local sports. I lead the HT performance review.

Mrs Victoria Limbert

Co-opted Governor

Start Date 17.6.24 - End Date 16.6.28
Victoria has a child who attends Thackley Primary and is Assistant Head at a Secondary School

Mr Richard Lewis-Ogden

Co-opted Governor

Start date - 3.2.22 - 2.2.26
Richard is also our school's Data Protection Officer

Mr Roger Butterfield

Co-opted Governor

Start date 11.10.23 - 10.10.27
Roger worked as a Solicitor with local authorities for 38 years and then ran a Training and Consultancy Service for councils. He specialised in Education Law from 1977.
Roger has been a Governor for over 30 years. He has been a Governor at Secondary, Primary and Special Schools. He has also been on the Management Committee of a Pupil Referral Unit.
At the moment he is a Trustee at Carlton Academy Trust and a Governor at Swaine House Primary School. He has been Safeguarding Governor at various schools for a number of years.

Mr Cailean Mackinnon

Parent Governor

Start date - 8.12.22 - 7.12.26

Mr Michael Ross

Staff Governor

Start date - 24.9.21 - 23.9.25

Mr Scott Delves-Holmes

Parent Governor

Start date 30.4.24 - 29.4.28

Mrs Laura Jackson

Parent Governor

Start date 30.4.24 - 29.4.28

Mrs Annette Patterson



Other members present at Governors Meetings:
Miss Philippa Stanworth

Deputy Head

Associate Governor

No voting rights

Mrs Jayne Preston

School Business Manager

Associate Governor

No voting rights

Mrs Tina Denham

School Bursar

Associate Governor

No voting rights

Mrs Rachael James

Clerk to the Governing Body

Clerk to the Governing Body
Start Date - October 2023

Governors who have served in the last 12 Months
Mrs Aislin Naylor
Parent Governor
Start Date 6.10.22 - Resigned 8.1.24
Mrs Kirstie Gregory
Parent Governor
Start date - 6.10.21 - Resigned 19.4.24