
Our Vision

A school is an exciting place to be and every school provides a unique experience. At Thackley Primary School, we want to provide the best possible experience for your child and for everybody who walks through our door. We have many aims within school but at the heart of everything, we hold close three key aims as our vision for our pupils.

These are:

High Standards in everything we do
Skills for Life
Happy Memories

We believe in high standards for all members of our school community. Our expectations apply to academic and sporting achievements, manners, behaviour, attitudes and in everything we do. 
Skills for life are developed through communication and even at an early age children will be taught simple business and enterprise skills to support them in later life. Many of the jobs our children will do when they leave school have not even been invented yet, so it is our role to support them in acquiring a variety of life skills including the ability to make friends with others and to work alongside a variety of people in school and in the work place. 
Above all, we want our children to leave Thackley with happy memories. If children are happy and enjoy school, they learn at a far faster pace and enjoy contributing to their own development and success. We strive to make your child's years at primary school happy.  We enhance our curriculum with exciting trips, residentials and experiences which they will remember for ever.